Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Onward to Taylorsville, IL

 Tuesday Sept 21st was a cloudy, misty day when we left South Bend, It was a "easy on the eyes" type of day for driving, it felt good to be back on the road!! Like the title says, we were on route to Taylorsville, IL to vist and catch up with my nephew Paul and his wife Tammy! We had to stop part way there to dump our waste tanks, half way thru dumping the monsoons started and we had to run for cover! I think we arrived at Paul and Tammy's around 6ish.

The route we took.
The green bubble with the tent is where we dumped our waste.
I'm using an app called "RV Life" you can preplot the route out on the computer then open it on our phone for step by turns. It has all the trailer information so it will let you know of low bridges, sharp turns etc to keep us out of trouble.
(Like most apps, when it works it's great, when it doesn't, you want to throw it out the window! LoL)
Starr and I took cover between "Bessy" the truck and "Boo" the trailer when the heavy rain started! Snug as a bug in a rug!!

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2024 August 06, Tuesday - Alaskan Cruise - Fairbanks

Tuesday, Aug 06, found us boarding a motor coach and heading down the road just a few miles to the authentic river paddleboat Discovery III ...