Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA, Dec 27th 2021 - Jan 03rd 2022

This was the actual float I worked on for the parade. I applied the black seed on the wheelchair tires & center hubs.

Diligently applying black onion seed, about the size of a grain of sand, to the wheelchair wheels. The glue, an industrial form of Elmer's glue, is brushed using a paint brush. The seeds are smattered in some way, shape or form using a 3"x3" piece of 1/4" thick flexible foam. If you look below where I am working it's all black, where as what I am doing is black and white. The glue will eventually dry and turn clear. All the floats are pre-painted the colors you see in the parade, the organics (seeds and such) are adhered to the top of that, sorta a paint by number thing!

Me working on the upper part of the wheel, kind of a great perspective shot of the actual size of these floats!! The wheelchair lady is actually tipped here on her back because to get her, and all the floats under any bridges and overhead wires, the can be no more than 16-1/2 ft. tall. In the warehouse where they are assembled, that is the height that they make the doors, If they fit thru the doors, they will make it to the parade staging area!! Once there, they pivot and move all the pieces in place to their full height!

This shows some of the detail put into the pieces.

More detail.
This is the seed trailer where you go and get your supplies!

!!BANG!! And a couple of scratches on our rig!!

 On January 6th, 2023 around 2:30 in the afternoon we were returning to the mainland of Florida after spending 4 glorious nights down in the...